When Do We Pray Together?
We meet, usually in homes, on Wednesday evenings, 7.45 – 9.00pm, for prayer and Bible study. Since we alternate between homes, please contact Alastair: 0858501837 /alastairdunlop@yahoo.com to know where the next meeting will take place.
Help to Pray at home
Enjoy these excellent resources:
Would you like someone to pray for you?
If you would like prayer for any particular needs or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact Alastair or any of the elders, who will be glad to pray for you. (Alastair: 0858501837 /alastairdunlop@yahoo.com)
What is prayer?
- Prayer is pouring out our hearts to God in praise, petition, confession of sin, and thanksgiving.
- It is “the chief exercise of faith” (John Calvin) … the very opposite of self-dependence.
What motivates prayer?
Prayer is motivated by the truth of the Bible…
- We come to a merciful Father who loves us!
- We come in Jesus Christ, his only Son, in whom we have full, free, unhindered communion with God, all the time, thanks to his death and resurrection!
- We come with the help of the Spirit, who unites us with Jesus, as one family, and gives to us faith, hope and love, as we hear God’s word!