In a presbyterian church, leadership is shared rather than in the hands of an individual. So we have ‘elders’ who oversee the church (like shepherds care for a flock), and ‘deacons’ who are responsible for various areas of practical service in the church.
In addition, as part of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, we are accountable to both our regional group of presbyterian churches and to the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland. So our leadership is accountable to two higher bodies for what we believe and the way we do things.

Our pastor/teaching elder is Alastair Dunlop. Alastair is married to Jude and they have three children: Philippa, James, and Rory.
mobile: 085 8501837

Adriaan Smuts (M)
Alastair Dunlop
KyRic Tucker (M)
Lionel McMurtry (M)
Margaret McKenna (H)
Michael Sparksman (H)
Nigel Dawkins (M)
Peter Shipman (M)
Ramsey McCrea (H)
Will Lane (M)
(H: Howth / M: Malahide)